Who We Are
SAS is incorporated in Washington DC and tax-exempted under 501 (c)(3) code of the IRS with EIN number 85-0864320.
Our Vision
To strengthen solidarity between our community members.
Our Mission
To support our US community members in live-altering events, and to give back to our larger community in Swaida in these dire times.
Our Strategy
Create and grow an emergency relief fund to provide SAS members undergoing live-altering events (subject to evaluation) with immediate and temporary support, supplemented with emergency community fundraisers.
Support well-developed charitable programs that address basic humanitarian needs for the most vulnerable of our community in Swaida based on reliable need assessments that assure equal accessibility of funding following nonprofit regulations.
Given the great needs and limited resources and to assure fairness in aid distribution, SAS is unable to respond to direct requests of funding of projects or humanitarian needs.
Our Operations
SAS is committed to delivering to its charitable mission in full compliance with US regulations, which prohibit the use of personal fundraisers to provide charitable donations (article §542.512, B).
Accordingly, SAS partners with Syriana program Swaida Sustainable Aid and Development, which volunteers its experienced staff and advanced compliance program to design and execute humanitarian programs in Syria, at no cost to our donors, while assuring full compliance with US and international regulations.
Ongoing Projects
Female-headed Households Program:
SAS covers the cost of about 300 families monthly.
This Syriana-SSAD program overall covers 1000 families in 50 villages of rural Swaida.
Donations are open for this program using the link above (note on the memo "family assistance").
Medical Assistance:
This program was the main sponsor of the largest community campaign against COVID-19, equipping more than 90 nursing teams, providing oxygen tanks, and medication, and thousand of free home visits to patients across Swaida.
Donations are open for this program using the link above (note on the memo "medical assistance").
Recurrent Projects
Annual New Holiday Charity:
SAS established a tradition of distributing grants to local Churches and Ain Azzaman along with distributed gifts.
Mothers' Day Charity:
SAS established an annual tradition of a charitable Mother's Day Lunch of SAS members families back in Swaida with donations directed to support mothers in Female-headed Household Program
Previous Projects
Supporting the victims of the Qraya incidence: (Fundraising closed)Thanks to the generous donations of our community, SAS raised $21, 047 matched with $15, 000 from Syriana-Swaida Sustainable Aid and Development (SSAD) for a total of $36, 047. Fund was allocated to address the health needs of the victims of incidence, and support more than 30 livelihood projects at a cost of $750 to secure a dignifying life for families affected by this atrocity. For more information, please visit the project page