Our Vision
To provide expert immigration legal information and advice to SAS members and friends aiming to protect them from becoming victims of immigration fraud (notario fraud), unfair treatment at work, unjust denial of immigration benefits, as well as helping them navigate a complex immigration system and reunify with their family members.
Our Mission
We plan to achieve our goals through the following activities
1. Individual/group legal consults: This project aims at providing specific guidance on immigration issues, including providing assistance in self-filling (pro se) of immigration forms and applications. *
2. Legal Education Webinar: These activities will include interactive presentations on topics such as Know Your Rights trainings to encounter hate speech, unfair treatment, and unjust deportation.
3. Immigration Interview Guidance: Provide information and assistance for SAS members families in arranging and preparing for immigration interviews, especially given the restrictions imposed by the war in Syria and COVID-19.
* The following topics might be covered: visas; employment authorization eligibility; temporary status; green card, permanent status and immigration visas; citizenship and naturalization; petition for family members; relief from deportation; asylum and humanitarian relief; criminal immigration issues.
Disclaimer: This website, our consults and our pro se filing assistance are not intended to create an attorney-client relationship between you and the Swaida American Society and its legal committee. Any legal consults that are being given by us should not be construed as an offer for legal representation. Our volunteer members will dedicate part of their personal time to answer questions related to the topic listed above and will not answer questions outside of this practice.